This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

How to Make Your Day.

A morning routine is said to boost happiness, increase productivity, reduce stress levels and get you grounded and settled for the day. It’s about getting started on the ‘right foot’.

A morning routine also allows you to start your morning with intention, rather than letting the day run away from you. This positive feeling of being on top of things has results in a positive feeling and effect on your entire day.

Most great entrepreneurs and leaders throughout history cite their morning routine as a large contributor to their success. But it’s not just entrepreneurs and leaders that benefit from a morning routine. We all can.

It’s important to embrace a routine which caters to our overall wellness eg mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.

Here’s our top 5 practices to embrace to change the way you open your day..

Circular breath - sit on the edge of the bed, place your feet flat on the ground, should width apart. Take a deep breath in, completely inflating the diaphragm for a count of 5. Hold the breath at the top for a count of 3, exhale for a count of 5 making sound as you push the breath out. Repeat for 5 rounds.

Express Gratitude - Studies have now proven a multitude of benefits from expressing gratitude; ranging from how it improves relationships, physical and emotional health, sleep, mental stamina, energy and overall happiness. You can write or express these verbally, the practice is to identify 5 things you are grateful for in that moment, these could be your family, your comfortable bed, the sunshine outside of your window, a restful sleep. Don’t overthink or complicate the process, go with what pops into your mind in the moment.

Physical Touch - beautiful in it’s simplicity, hug your family, partner or pet. Make sure this hug lasts for a minimum of a minute. Hugging for a minute releases all our happy hormones and reminds of how good physical touch and connection feel for us.

Movement - walking, yoga at home, even a good stretch is a way to reconnect with our body through movement. As well as being another way to release those happy hormones for us!

Activation - we use a script for this. This script can be something you have written for yourself about your perfect day and how you desire your day to be or can be something you have saved from someone who inspires you. Either way, this is to activate you into the intention of how you desire to show up in your day! with anything we suggest..try these on and see how these fit. How best to integrate these practices into your daily routine? Make your entry point easy ie. never done anything like we suggest? Then try 1, once you feel like this is now part of your routine, introduce the next practice that appeals to you. Make it easy to make the commitment to it.

We’d love to hear about your morning routine! Share with us via email or drop us some love on Facebook.

In joy,

Tia xx


A Beginners Guide to Meditation