Tia is progressive in self-development & growth, committed to mentoring clients from suffering to wholeness and beyond. Her mission is to liberate humanity to embrace life. 

More about Tia..



Tia Paenui

Tia is a descendant of Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi and her strong cultural links form the foundation of her pronounced intuitive & insight gifts, the basis of her coaching business. Tia is progressive in self-development & growth, committed to mentoring clients from suffering to wholeness and beyond. Her mission is to liberate humanity to embrace life. 

Offering an emotional & spiritual breakthrough working across modalities from NLP,
Time Line Therapy ®, Modern Hypnosis, Breathwork & Energetics to partner clients into conscious expansion. Client’s experiencing this kind of breakthrough have completely changed their perspective on life achieving a place of celebration & reverence for it



Get started with Tia, today.